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Media Center

The Forest Park Middle School Library Media Program is designed to support the school's instructional program to promote student achievement. The library media program offers flexible and equitable access to a wealth of information and resources for teaching and learning, teachers' professional needs, as well as the recreational and research needs of students.

Media Center Hours
The media center is open from 8:00-4:00 Monday –Friday. The media center operates on a flexible schedule.  Students must have a GRID signed by their teacher to come to the media center.  Teachers may send up to five students at a time for book check-out, computer use and instructional support.



  • Students may check out one book at a time for a period of two weeks.
  • Overdue notices will be given to students notifying them of late books.
  • Students cannot check out books if they have any overdue books.
  • A fine will be assessed for lost and damaged books.
  • Reference and special collection materials cannot be checked out of the media center unless special permission is obtained from the media specialist.

Media Center Rules

  • Upon entering the Media Center, sign in at the circulation desk.
  • Work quietly and do not disturb others who are working/studying.
  • Get permission from Media Center staff before using computers.
  • As in any classroom, eating, drinking, cell phone use and music are not allowed in the Media Center.

Technology Use

  • When using the Internet, obey the Acceptable Use Policy. Students who violate the rules will lose computer privileges.
  • Students are not allowed to access social media site on school computers.

The Media center supports the GPS twenty- five -Book Campaign in which students are to read twenty five books during the school year. To meet this initiative, students are encouraged to participate in the various reading programs sponsored by the school and Media Center.

25 Book Campaign

What is the 25 Book Campaign?

The 25 Book campaign encourages students to reach the goal of reading one million words per year and helps to create a culture of literacy in the school.  One of the Georgia Performance Standards requires that all students read 25 Books which equals approximately 1 million words.  This is essential for building and increasing student reading comprehension and research shows that students should read about one million words a year in order to develop sufficient vocabulary to continually improve their reading proficiency. This translates to approximately 25 chapter books a year, or 6-8 picture books a day for early readers  

Students will maintain a reading log and complete a reading summary on each book they read.

25 Books Total = One Million Words!

150 pages = one book
Magazines = 150 pages = one book  
Textbooks = 150 pages = one book                                   
Newspapers/brochures = 150 pages = one book
On-line text = 150 pages = one book

25 minutes of reading for 12 nights = one book

Do you want to know how many words are in the book that you are reading? Click on Type in the title of the book.  Select Go.  Click on the title and you will be able to see how many words are in the book. 


meeting image
It's Chromebook Distribution time!!! Please scan the following QR code to access all of the important information and forms that must be signed in order for your child to receive their Chromebook this year. Students will not receive their device until all of the required forms have been signed and submitted electronically.

If you child did not return their device last year; had a severely damaged device; or lost their device, they will not receive a device until the device's replacement is paid for. If you have questions, please contact our school technician, Mr. B