Dress Code
Forest Park Middle School Uniform Dress Policy
Uniform dress creates a climate with a greater sense of school identity and belonging, expands academic excellence, and improves student behavior and safety. We believe that the principles of modesty, professionalism, and good taste are core values represented in the CCPS Uniform Dress Code.
All students should adhere to the Clayton County Schools’ Uniform Dress Attire. The basic uniform shall consist of a long or short-sleeved collared shirt (i.e. polo, oxford, or dress shirt) in white, burgundy, or gold/yellow and khaki, black, or navy bottoms.
Tops or Shirts
• Tops will have either a polo style collar or oxford/ button down collar in solid white, burgundy, or gold/yellow color ONLY.
• Shirts must cover the waistline.
• Shirts longer than three inches below the waistline should be tucked inside pants, shorts, or skirts.